Contact Us

For Valcke Bowling, having an online shop means that we can further diversify our service towards the customer. Nevertheless, Valcke Bowling remains available every working day for all your questions and remarks. Below on this page you will find our opening hours.

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Do you have questions, doubts or comments about your order? Do you have questions or comments about this webshop?

Do not hesitate to inform us. We will do everything necessary to make your online shopping experience as pleasant as possible.

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Valcke Group NV
Menenstraat 423
8560 Wevelgem

BE:+32 (0)56 43 85 55
FR:+33 (0)3 66 88 22 00
EN:+32 (0) 56 43 85 58

Opening hours

Monday 8h30 - 12h | 13h - 17h30
Tuesday 8h30 - 12h | 13h - 17h30
Wednesday 8h30 - 12h | 13h - 17h30
Thursday 8h30 - 12h | 13h - 17h30
Friday 8h30 - 12h | 13h - 16h30
Saturday Closed
Sunday and holidays Closed

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  • Easy track & trace

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